
Konsido develops software and services that give public and private companies unique insight into their spending patterns and external supplier costs. Konsido's digital AI-based solutions analyse the consumption patterns of your organisation based on a number of business-critical dimensions:


How do we optimise our consumption of goods, services and supplies with a focus on reducing procurement and TCO costs, both in relation to our direct and indirect spend? In other words: How do we ensure that we get the most value for money?

Compliance / legal governance

How do we ensure that our consumption complies with applicable procurement rules and legislation and that our organisation makes the best use of supplier agreements? 


How much CO2 do we emit both directly (Scope 1) and indirectly (Scope 2 and 3) as a consequence of our consumption of goods, services and utilities? Where can we most easily reduce our emissions and who in the organisation owns the initiative?

Waste, nature and environment

What are the relationships between our consumption behaviour and parameters such as air pollution, biodiversity, water environment and animal welfare? How much waste do we produce annually and where can we most effectively launch initiatives that promote circular thinking and support the UN SDGs?

Citizens, employees, customers

How do we optimise our consumption behaviour to ensure that the interests and needs of citizens, employees and customers are met while focusing on sustainability and cost optimisation?


What parts of our consumption behaviour serve to promote and support diversity among our citizens, employees and customers? How do we as
organisation best support UN Sustainable Development Goals 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4?

Konsido DATA

In-depth analysis of consumption patterns

Invoicing data is the optimal data source in relation to analyzing and understanding your organisation's consumption patterns. This applies regardless of whether it is an analysis of the organisation's direct or indirect spend.

Any purchase made from an external supplier is followed by an invoice describing the product or service purchased. The key to understanding and optimising the organisation's consumption behaviour therefore lies in the organisation's ability to properly process, categorise, enrich and analyse invoice data. This is exactly the task Konsido DATA solves.

Data extraction and enrichment

Konsido DATA extracts information from electronic
invoices (OIOUBL, PEPPOL or equivalent) and enriches this information with accounting and company register information. The database therefore contains a wide range of information describing all aspects of the purchase made - both in relation to the internal organisation, the product, the supplier, etc. 

The Konsido1000 category structure

A key prerequisite for good consumption analysis, whether the focus is on economics, sustainability or diversity, is that invoice data is categorised in detail and correctly according to a category structure that makes business and organisational sense for further analysis. 

The Konsido1000 category structure contains approximately 1,000 categories of goods, services and utilities divided into 3 levels of detail. The initial focus has been to reflect the consumption behaviour of public authorities and state-owned enterprises and to ensure that the category structure is relevant to analyses of Scope 1, 2 and 3 CO2 emissions. The extension, Konsido1000+, allows customers with specific categorisation needs to customise the structure to meet their specific needs. 

The Konsido1000 categorisation structure is under continuous development by Konsido and can be freely downloaded and used without restrictions, as long as a reference is made to

Konsido CPO

Focus on climate, sustainability and diversity

Konsido CO2-focused Procurement Optimization (or simply Konsido CPO) gives your organization a unique and detailed insight into how the consumption behavior of your organization affects the climate in a circular perspective. Based on the Konsido1000 categorisation, which maps your consumption patterns (across departments and cost centres and across suppliers), Konsido CPO allows you to identify hotspots and map which actions and behavioural changes have the greatest impact on both CO2 emissions and a wide range of other sustainability parameters. 

Konsido ​Database of Potentials

At the core of the Konsido CPO solution is the Konsido1000 categorised data, enriched with information on each category's relationship to a wide range of parameters under the umbrella term "sustainability". Sustainable behaviour is thus broadly interpreted and includes in Konsido's interpretation relationships to: 

These sustainability data are documented in the Konsido Database of Potentials, which is updated continuously as new knowledge becomes available. Maintenance of the database is handled in collaboration with Konsido's partners and customers.

Konsido SPEND

Focus on financial optimisation, compliance and legal governance

Konsido SPEND provides your organisation with a unique and detailed insight into the financial and legal aspects of your organisation's spending behaviour. Based on the Konsido1000 categorisation, which maps your consumption patterns (across departments and cost-centres and across suppliers), Konsido SPEND allows you to support category management, measure internal and external compliance (at all levels), establish price controls and identify actions that can reduce your costs for purchasing goods and services.  

Assessment of contract coverage and compliance at all levels

Konsido SPEND, you can continuously monitor the purchasing behaviour in your organisation and gain insights into how to best improve the use of the supplier agreements you have signed. The included standard reports provide an overview of: 

Konsido DATA and Konsido1000 categorization